Week 8 - Mass Wasting

 After examining chapter 7 and viewing other references, I can conclude that Bahrain's risk for mass wasting hazards is very low. Furthermore, the possibility for a landslide is very low although, climate change could change the slopes and bedrock stability. Though, the risk of these hazards are very low, it is still evident that Bahrain has no understanding of a plan to mitigate. Some mitigation ideas to consider for Bahrain is to understand and alter slope geometry to prevent landslides and mass wasting hards from occurring.

5.3 Mass Wasting – Physical Geography and Natural Disasters




  1. Hey logan, I really enjoyed reading your post and thought you did a great job! I liked that you talked about using slope geometry to determine the level of threat. I am excited to read your next blog post!

  2. I'm very happy that your country is considered very low regard for mass wasting. I used to live in Kuwait which consider also a gulf region like Bahrain. It is also a very low mass-wasting country. However, my chosen country Lebanon where I belong originally is very high. every year during winter especially after the snow storms and heavy rain, many rocks start sliding near mountains. I love to know about other countries it's very interesting.


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